Miscellaneous Downloads
These high-quality downloads were all created by Responsive Software. We specialize in
building superior quality software to suit your unique requirements.
(NOTE: If nothing happens when you click the download link try the right mouse button and select Save link as from the pop-up menu.
If you get a message saying it cannot be downloaded securely click on the down-arrow and select Keep or Keep Anyway. If you still
have difficulty please see the LedgerLite FAQ page.)
LedgerLite French Translation Table
Click here to download LedgerLite French.CSV (13/02/2024 - 18KB)
LedgerLite French.CSV is a CSV file containing English to French translations for all the strings in LedgerLite. To import this
into LedgerLite go to the File menu and select Import Translation Items. If the French is not to your liking
please feel free to edit it from within LedgerLite and also send me your comments if you like.
LedgerLite Spanish Translation Table
Click here to download LedgerLite Spanish.CSV (13/02/2024 - 17KB)
LedgerLite Spanish.CSV is a CSV file containing English to Spanish translations for all the strings in LedgerLite. To import this
into LedgerLite go to the File menu and select Import Translation Items. If the Spanish is not to your liking
please feel free to edit it from within LedgerLite and also send me your comments if you like.

LedgerLite - Ease Of Use Tips
Click here to download LedgerLite Ease Of Use Tips (14/1/2017 - 54.5KB)
This document contains some usage tips for LedgerLite.
LedgerLite Database - Alternative Chart Of Accounts
Click here to download LedgerLite.LLD (20/06/2016 - 344KB)
LedgerLite.LLD is an empty LedgerLite database with an alternative and more comprehensive chart of accounts
that uses the traditional numeric account codes.
QRP Viewer
Click here to download QRP Viewer (25/11/2006 - 3.63MB)
QRP Viewer is a small utility program used to view QRP (Quick Reports) files. After installing the program just
double-click on a QRP file to view it. Nothing could be easier. Works brilliantly! (Registration cost is US$25.)
Mandelbrot Set Viewer
Click here to download MSViewer (19/6/2008 - 3.40MB)
MSViewer is a simple easy-to-use program for exploring the
Mandelbrot set.

Source Code
Click here to download our Framework source code (13/3/2006 - 0.9MB)
Get the full Delphi source code for our application Framework and begin your own customized development
on a solid foundation. This is the generic business application we used as the starting point for
LedgerLite, LedgerPlus,
Retail, GenFinII and
other customized systems in commercial
production. It includes functions for reliable client/server communications, database management,
general ledger, cashbook, point-of-sale, HTTP server and a document/image repository.

Architecture Document
Click here to download our architecture document (14/1/2017 - 148KB)
This document contains a detailed description of our application Framework to help you
decide if it's the right platform for your customized software. It also includes some sample source code from the Framework.
Finance Company Software
Click here to download GenFinII (Version - 25/7/2005 - 8.40MB)
GenFinII is a fully integrated finance and general ledger system developed
by Responsive Software on behalf of Latimer View Finance. It covers
consumer credit, mortgages, personal loans,
revolving credit and deposit accounts and has been successfully in production at
Martyn & Perriam Financial Services since July 2005.
Unlike many other software packages we have the expertise available to customize GenFinII to
suit your unique requirements. So if you haven't found the software you're looking for we may be just the answer.
Whether you're a small business, a large business or a small business aspiring to become a large business you'll never
find a substitute for customized software.
This demonstration version is provided to illustrate the
type of customized system we can build for your business.
Fish Processing Software
Click here to download Fish Manager (Version - 7/9/2004 - 11.2MB)
FishManager is a complete system for recording and tracking the product in a fish processing plant. It
covers all stages of fish processing including its initial receipt from the fishing boat or customer through to packing, storage
and shipping. FishManager was in production at Canterbury Fish Contractors for more than 3 years.
If you're a fish processor looking for a secure reliable system that puts all the information at your fingertips then
FishManager is what you need. Unlike many other software packages we also have the source code
and the expertise available to customize FishManager to your unique requirements.
Retail Software
Click here to download Retail (Version - 7/11/2005 - 8.33MB)
Retail is a fully integrated point-of-sale (POS) and general ledger system developed
by Responsive Software. It uses its own encrypted binary protocol to allow POS
and administration clients to communicate directly with a server. POS clients automatically switch to off-line
operation whenever the communication link is unavailable.
This demonstration version is provided as an example of the work our company
performs. It also provides an excellent basis on which to build a secure reliable and fully customizable retail solution.
Bible Student
Click here to download Bible Student (Version 1.1 - 23/6/1991 - 4.57MB)
Bible Student was our first really useful software. It is a text-based DOS program that includes the entire text of the Authorized Version of the
Bible. It can be run directly from a floppy disk and was designed to accomodate PC users that don't have a hard disk.
It's provided here in the hope that someone may still find it useful (and also to give some idea of how long we've been in this business!)
Firebird Database Server
Click here to download Firebird Database Server (Version - 2.63MB)